Veteran actress Ssujata Mehta who has been part of TV shows such as Shrikant, Khandaan, Ye Meri Life Hai, Kyaa Hoga Nimmo Kaa, Saraswatichandra and movies like Pratighaat, Yateem, Pratigyabadh, Gunahon Ka Devta, Hum Sab Chor Hain, 3 Deewarein, and Chitkar (Gujarati), recently took a nostalgic trip down memory lane, sharing the story of her first-ever earnings. Long before she became a well-known face in the entertainment industry, Ssujata’s first step into the world of performance was a simple radio play. At that time, Gujarati radio plays were immensely popular, and for young Ssujata, it was a stepping stone into the world of acting.

“I remember it vividly; it was a radio play,” Ssujata reminisced. “Gujarati radio plays were very famous back then. I was still in school and hadn’t even started performing on stage yet. The whole experience was new and thrilling.”

Her first earnings were modest by today’s standards—just ₹5—but in those days, it was a substantial amount for a schoolgirl. With her first pay in hand, Ssujata did something that showcased her generous and joyful spirit even as a child. “I used that ₹5 to buy chocolates,” she recalled with a smile. “Then, I shared them with my friends at school and in my building. ₹5 was a big amount in those times, and I wanted to celebrate it with everyone around me.”

“Those radio plays were such an essential part of my early journey,” she reflected. “They taught me how to convey emotions purely through voice, which was an incredible experience.” Over time, her dedication and growing reputation in the world of radio plays caught the attention of those in the professional Gujarati theater. Ssujata then made the leap to commercial Gujarati theater, marking a significant milestone in her career and taking her from radio to the live stage.


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