2023 has been a year to remember for Bollywood. The year started with a bang, as Pathaan smashed each and every existing record and emerged as an All Time Grosser. The Kerala Story became a historic blockbuster. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke was a surprise hit. OMG 2 and Dream Girl 2 also did well at the Box Office. Jawan is all set to emerge as an All Time Grosser.
SRK starrer Pathaan became the 1st Bollywood film to cross 400 cr, 450 cr and 500 cr mark at the Box Office. 1949, 1957 and 2013 were the years where Bollywood had 2 All Time Grossers. It seems like Bollywood is going to witness 4 to 5 All Time Grossers in a single year. Jawan is all set to emerge as an All Time Grosser. Tiger 3 and Dunki have a great chance to emerge as All Time Grossers.
Pathaan went on to collect 512.76 cr nett at the Hindi Box Office and emerged as an All Time Grosser. Pathaan surpassed Dangal’s record (374.53 cr) by a huge margin. Aamir Khan starrer Dangal became an All Time Grosser in 2016 by beating PK.
Gadar 2 has emerged as an All Time Grosser in 42 days. Gadar 2 was the fastest to cross the 500 cr mark at the Box Office. The total collection of Gadar 2 stands at 513.75 cr.
Gadar 2 has now surpassed the Hindi collections of Pathaan and Baahubali 2. SRK starrer Jawan is still going strong at the Box Office and is all set to emerge as an All Time Grosser in coming days.
Gadar 2 will be an All Time Grosser for the shortest period. Nevertheless, Sunny Deol has created history with Gadar 2.
Gadar 2 has become the only franchise whose both the films have emerged as an All Time Grosser. The footfalls of Gadar franchise now stand at more than 8 cr.
Gadar 2 just like its prequel has created history at the Box Office. Gadar faced a clash with Aamir Khan starrer Lagaan and still managed to emerge as an All Time Grosser.
Gadar 2 just like its prequel, also faced a clash with Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2 and has emerged as an All Time Grosser.
Lagaan and OMG 2 also emerged as clean hits. Gadar is now the most successful franchise in Bollywood.
Gadar 2 is 9th ATG of this millennium in Bollywood. Gadar, Ghajini, 3 Idiots, Chennai Express, Dhoom 3, PK, Dangal, Pathaan and Gadar 2 are All Time Grossers for Bollywood in this millennium.
Gadar 2 is directed by Anil Sharma. The film stars Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma in the lead roles. The film was released on 11th August.
Note: The above data is derived from Box Office India.