Godzilla × Kong: The New Empire is the 5th film of the Monsterverse. This is by far the biggest and the most entertaining film out of all the 5 films. Godzill and Kong together have created havoc on-screen. Godzilla and Kong reunite once again and roar to victory in the new empire.

In the Hollow Earth, Kong discovers more creatures like himself and teams with Godzilla to thwart their oppressive leader and a formidable Titan capable of changing the climate, ensuring they don’t cause chaos on the surface.

The film starts with a bang and ends with a bang. This is a fast paced film of 115 minutes, which doesn’t slow down even for a second. The film has many larger than life action sequences which look magnificent on the big screen. There is a continuous happening of events on-screen which will make you fully engaged. 

The story starts from where the previous part ended. This time the challenge is much bigger than what we witnessed in the previous parts. The world created by makers is splendid and there are a lot of new characters which are introduced in the film. 

Hollywood films have always provided fans all over the world with unbelievable visuals. The VFX always remains top notch and no one can beat Hollywood in that. Godzilla × Kong also has outstanding visuals and VFX which will make the audience go crazy. The scale is so large that one can only imagine it in their dreams. The whole world which the makers have set up is truly astonishing. 

The film mainly focuses on Kong and this is going to be my only complaint to the makers to not giving Godzilla equal screen presence. In the previous part it was Kong who had helped Godzilla, but here Godzilla helps Kong in the end. 

This film has many scenes which will make you scream, cheer and shout for your favorite titan. The climax sequence is shot on a very large scale and is a pure delight. The film doesn’t waste time in showing unnecessary things and gets straight to the point by delivering what it has promised. 

The idea to bring Godzilla and Kong together was super successful back in 2021 and the makers have just raised the level of Monsterverse with this film. This is meant to be a money spinner franchise which serves the audience with never seen before extravaganza. Some films only have grandeur and don’t have any sense in the story, but this ain’t that film.

Godzilla × Kong is going to please masses as well as classes. The presentation, storytelling, film-making and execution is top notch. The film will be enjoyed by every age group of audience, as it has a lot of things in the store. 

Godzilla × Kong also follows the same story pattern, which we have seen in all the films of Monsterverse. Humans try to eliminate the Titan and then there is a big misunderstanding and a twist to the tale and in the end it is the Titan who saves the world.

Each and every film in the Monsterverse also has a universal message for the audience along with entertainment. The main message is for humans and their behavior towards animals. The film indirectly tells us to be nice to animals. Animals can be of great help to us humans and so does the film tries to tell us. Films like these which are made on a larger scale providing a universal message are a must for our society.

Those who like to watch Indian masala films will enjoy the mass sequences like no one else. All those mass elevation scenes will remind the viewers of the mass hysteria which we have seen in Hindi or South films. Each and every frame looks beautiful and is eye pleasing. 

Overall, Godzilla × Kong: The New Empire is worth you every single penny and provides you with wholesome entertainment. This is mind blowing stuff which should be witnessed only on the big screen, as we don’t get to see such kind of films on a daily basis.

Rating – 3/5*


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