Q] Madhav, have you ever met Isha?
Ans – No, I haven’t met her; I’ve only heard about her.
Q] So, you’ve only heard things from Abhishek?
Ans – Yes, I’ve only heard about her from Abhishek. He mentioned her breakup, but he seems unable to move on. Despite that, Isha appears unfazed, continuing with her life.
Madhav wonders how she can be so happy when he’s struggling after his breakup. People tend to compare their own struggles with others’, seeking solace in shared experiences. However, Madhav is perplexed by Isha’s apparent ease and happiness post-breakup, contrasting with his own turmoil.
Q] What was Isha Khan Zadi claiming about Abhishek, and why do you think both of you couldn’t sustain your relationship?
Ans – Isha Khan Zadi asserted that Abhishek had allegedly inflicted marks on her face, initially blue and later turning purple. While I hesitate to label Abhishek as wrong or Isha as right, it seems both of us struggled to navigate our relationship. The situation is complex, and it’s unclear who is right or wrong.
Q] How do you interpret Abhishek’s reactions and Isha’s perspective, especially considering Abhishek’s changing behavior towards Samarth?
Ans – Abhishek’s reaction appears deeply hurt, and there’s a noticeable shift in his demeanor towards Samarth. It’s challenging to pinpoint the objective truth, but it seems both Abhishek and Isha couldn’t sustain our relationship successfully. The dynamics are intricate, and emotions are running high.
Q] You mentioned the importance of addressing conflicts earlier, especially on a national television platform. What is your perspective on this?
Ans – If issues like slapping or fights weren’t addressed earlier, they are now being magnified on a national television platform. The added public scrutiny complicates matters further. I find myself reflecting on the escalation of problems that might have been overlooked in the past.
Q] How do you connect the current events with the notion of aggression and its root cause?
Ans – I suggest there might be a connection between the current events and the root cause of aggression. Understanding the origin of aggression is crucial, with societal norms potentially influencing behavior. I find myself stuck on the idea of identifying the origins of aggression to comprehend the unfolding events.
Q] What is your perspective on Abhishek’s current actions on the show?
Ans – I observe that Abhishek’s reactions seem to stem from his emotional state. Whether related to specific issues or a general disposition, Abhishek’s behavior appears more reactive than proactive aggression. I imply that Abhishek’s actions may be responses to ongoing turmoil rather than unwarranted aggression.
Watch the exclusive interview below: