Harrdy Sandhu took his fans by surprise by announcing his new EP on social media. Taking to social media the singer turned actor revealed his next EP titled ‘Pleasures’ which has an interesting line-up of about 5 songs.
The much-anticipated EP’s poster showcased a eye-catching design, radiating a sense of anticipation for what’s ahead and making fans thrilled and accompanied by the song titles that will make up this highly anticipated album: “Psycho,” “Gal Meri,” “If You Want,” “Love Hate,” and “What is Love.” Each title sparked his the followers’ curiosity and thrill, making them eager to speculate about the themes and feelings that will be explored in the songs.
Harrdy Sandhu has a history of standing as the perfect embodiment of prowess and creativity, capturing the very essence of musical artistry. Set to be released on July 6th, Harrdy Sandhu’s “PLEASURES” album is a remarkable testament to the artist’s unwavering dedication. This highly anticipated album promises to chart a new course, forging a unique path that will reshape the landscape of Indian music for years to come.