Q1: Salman Khan gave suggestions to Isha, Samarth, and Abhishek. What’s your take on young contestants like Isha?

A1: It depends on individual maturity. Some are mature at a young age, while others may need more time. Age doesn’t necessarily determine maturity, but a bit of maturity is crucial for a platform like this.

Q2: Do you think there should be an age limit for participating in reality shows?

A2: It’s about individuality. Age doesn’t necessarily define maturity. However, being somewhat mature is important since you present your live personality on national television, impacting your long-term image.

Q3: Priyanka and Ankit were praised for their game last season. What are your thoughts on them?

A3: They were sweet and handled their situation well. Priyanka, especially, took a stand and played strongly. She demonstrated growth compared to the last season.

Q4: This season, whose game did you like the most?

A4: I’m not following the game closely, but Neil stands out for me. He’s humble, mature, and handles situations well. At this moment, he’s my favorite.

Q5: Neil has been praised for being calm and mature. What do you think makes him stand out?

A5: Neel maintains his composure and manners throughout the game, whether someone is right or wrong. His calm approach in handling situations is commendable.

Q6: Neil has been described as “husband material” by many. What’s your take on that?

A6: Absolutely! He’s mature, calm, and handles situations well. Whether right or wrong, he and Aishwarya stay together, which is admirable.

Q7: After a recent incident, Rajiv Adatiya wrote my prayers are with you Neil and all the best Aishwarya what’s your say on this?

A7: In the heat of the moment inside the house, emotions can run high. Neil’s handling of the situation is impressive, and I enjoy watching him in the game.


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