Q: Sana, you mentioned causing trouble for your roommates. Can you elaborate on that?

A: I’ll be honest, I did intentionally annoy my roommates at times, just for reactions. No one bullied me, and my statements about being bullied were for the game’s sake.

Q: Who do you find fake in the house currently?

A: Mannara sometimes appears fake. It’s just my observation.

Q: Were your friendships genuine, or did you maintain them for convenience?

A: Some friendships were genuine, like with Rinku. Others, I interacted with only because they were in the game. Not everyone I talked to was a true friend.

Q: Why did you find certain contestants boring?

A: Some contestants, like Munawar, were boring to me. I didn’t bond with them as I found their personalities uninteresting.

Q: Can you explain your nomination of Munawar in the last round?

A: I nominated Munawar because he had provoked me earlier, and I felt the need to express my viewpoint. I highlighted the behavior that bothered me the most, but it doesn’t mean I dislike him entirely.

Q: How did you feel after being nominated and the coffee-throwing incident?

A: I felt low that day and chose not to engage in the coffee-throwing incident. My mood changed when I decided to speak up during the nominations.

Q: Why did you speak up during the nominations?

A: I addressed Vicky’s conduct, which had been discussed in previous weekends. I felt it was essential to express my perspective on what I perceived as his worst quality – trying to corner me during disagreements.

Q: How do you view the quality of giving speeches in the game?

A: I don’t have the nature to invest so much time in giving speeches to all contestants. I prefer explaining my viewpoints to those close to me rather than addressing the entire group. The audience’s perception of qualities increased after the last week.


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