Q: Sana, there were discussions about your interactions with Mannara. Can you clarify?

A: I advised Mannara not to obsess over Ankita and focus on her happiness. It wasn’t about taking sides, but I later felt that Mannara was wrong, and Ankita and I shared a deep connection.

Q: There were comments about your bond with Vicky. What’s your perspective?

A: Munawar commented on Vicky and my bond, suggesting it was more than friendship. That’s not true. We had a strong friendship, but I had trust issues with Vicky after he nominated me.

Q: You had conflicts with Anurag regarding nominations. Can you explain?

A: I fought with Anurag about nominations, not out of fear but as part of the game. I was real and straightforward, not playing a fake or diplomatic role.

Q: People criticized you for jeopardizing the house ration. How do you respond?

A: I wasn’t nominated for jeopardizing the ration; I was already nominated. It was a game move, and I believe others, like Munawar or Vicky, might have done the same if in my position. It adds drama and interest to the show.


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