Q: Abhishek and Isha entering Bigg Boss together was known. Did you try to explain to Abhishek, given the aggression surrounding Isha’s presence?
A: Yes, Abhishek was aware that Isha was entering Bigg Boss. I had informed him beforehand. The worry stemmed from seeing her after a long time. There was no plan; it all unfolded naturally.
Q: Considering the emotional turmoil Abhishek faced, do you think he will eventually find closure with whatever happened?
A: Yes, he will find closure. If not, he might get a slap from me. But, honestly, he’s moving on and doing better now.
Q: Any thoughts on the recent conflict between Samarth and Isha in the live feed?
A: Isha talking to Samarth is not a big deal. What happened in the past doesn’t matter on the Bigg Boss current show. Abhishek and Isha’s relationship is already strained.
Q: How do you view Isha’s actions in this situation?
A: Frankly, Isha’s actions were wrong before, and they still are. It’s not a big deal whom she called in the past. We need to focus on the current show, not the past. Abhishek is already hurt.
Q: Do you believe Abhishek will overcome this and move forward?
A: Yes, he will move forward. We all are here to support him.