Q1: Who initiated the issues in the house, Neil or Ankita?
- A: It seems Ankita initiated it, possibly because of my soft corner for Neil. Everyone has their reasons, and no one is less than the other.
Q2: People hesitate to speak openly about Ankita. Is it because she’s a celebrity?
- A: Ankita being a celebrity and a senior does garner respect, making it challenging for people to be open with her. There’s a sense of hesitation due to her fan base and being the face of the show.
Q3: Did you face any issues with Ankita regarding cleanliness?
- A: While I don’t share a personal connection with Ankita, Neil and Aishwarya raised concerns about her cleanliness. Aishwarya even confronted Arun, leading to an emotional outburst.
Q4: How was Vicky’s gameplay after replacing Anurag?
- A: Vicky’s gameplay involves a lot of actions without clear reasons. He believes he’s a master manipulator, which seems unfair to Neil. The focus on targeting strategic minds in the thinking room was evident.
Q5: Does Anurag deserve to stay in the house?
- A: No, Anurag doesn’t seem deserving. His brother’s alliance seems strong, but I don’t comprehend Anurag’s motives. His conflicting statements, like not wanting to leave despite saying otherwise, add confusion.