Q1: Some feel Rinku Ji’s game might have suffered due to your exit. Any thoughts on that?
A1: I don’t think so. Rinku is playing her own game, and I believe she’s strong. My friendship with her wouldn’t hinder her game. We’ve been together for 40 days, and she knows me well. I don’t think her actions affected my game.
Q2: During a disagreement, Rinku Ji seemed to restrain you from taking a stand. Any comments on that?
A2: Rinku Ji didn’t hinder my game. We’ve shared the same bed and know each other’s personalities. She wouldn’t stop me from expressing myself. I believe her presence didn’t impact my game negatively.
Q3: When the topic of undergarments came up, you expressed a strong desire to leave the house. Did you feel the people in the house were better than your past experiences?
A3: My reaction was more about my personal discomfort with certain actions, not a comparison. I have a personal trait that I can’t stay with disrespectful people, be it in personal relationships, Bigg Boss, or elsewhere. When someone crosses a line, it affects me, and I expressed my feelings during the grace period.