Q: Do you think Munawar will end up isolating himself by being friends only with Mannara and turning others into enemies?
A: It’s a possibility that if Munawar continues focusing solely on his friendship with Mannara, it might strain relationships with others. However, Munawar is a mature individual, and eventually, he might realize the importance of balancing connections in the house.
Q: You mentioned Munawar’s maturity; do you believe he will learn from his mistakes if he repeats them?
A: Munawar’s maturity suggests that he will learn from his experiences. People stumble, but they stand up stronger. He understands the dynamics of the game, and with time, he might gain realization if certain patterns repeat.
Q: When you spoke to Neil’s mom, she seemed worried about Neil and Aishwarya’s arguments on national television. What did you convey to her?
A: Neil’s mom was concerned, but disagreements happen in every couple’s life. It’s a phase, and everyone knows that. However, I couldn’t delve into personal matters on national television, but I assured her that they would figure things out.
Q: Do you think Aishwarya has genuinely changed after Salman Khan’s advice?
A: Yes, after Salman Khan’s guidance, we have observed a significant change in Ashwariya’s behavior. She seems to have understood the need to modify her approach, and I have hope that she will continue to grow stronger.
Q: Aishwarya has undergone a change, but it seems that she has also experienced some sorrow. What could be the reason behind this shift in her demeanor?
A: Aishwarya is going through a challenging time emotionally due to her serial. She takes her work seriously, and the impact is visible. However, her strong personality and past experiences suggest that she will overcome it.
Q: Neil and Ankita had a heated argument during the nominations. Can you share the backstory and your perspective on who is right or wrong?
A: Initially, they all nominated each other, creating tension. I advised Neil to start fresh when we entered the Dum Ka Ghar. However, the pattern of mutual distrust continued among the four, indicating a lack of trust in each other’s intentions.